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Ma Mukti (M2) was founded in 2022 to honor and carry on the legacy of American-Bangladeshi philanthropist, artist, and former Bangladeshi Member of Parliament, Monsura “Mukti” Mohiuddin. Ma Mukti’s purpose is to support and center the leadership of women of color organizers, healers, movement catalysts and change agents, who exist and work at the frontlines of the most pressing issues of our time, whose work and contributions are often unsupported, unseen, and devalued.

Our mission is to cultivate new and profound ways of being with one another, fostering a culture that values, respects, and empowers all women, particularly women of color, by creating spaces that promote individual and collective healing, transformation, and joy.

Our vision is for a future where all women’s, particularly women of color’s, leadership and humanity are centered, recognized, cherished, and valued. We strive to create a society where our voices are heard, our talents are recognized, and our full potential is realized. In this future, meaningful connections and interactions will flourish, celebrating and uplifting each other’s successes.

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Monsura “Mukti” Mohiuddin was an artist, philanthropist, and Bangladeshi politician. As our mother, she was our love, light, and guide.

She was the first child of the esteemed politician and father of the Bangladesh Independence struggle, Mashiur Jadu Miah Rahman and the highly revered Sabera Rahman.

Mrs. Mohiuddin graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Dhaka University. Soon after, she was married to former Ambassador to the United Nations, His Excellency A.H.G Mohiuddin, and she left Dhaka to serve Bangladesh alongside her husband as a consummate host and representative in Australia, Hong Kong, Washington D.C., Saudi Arabia, and New York.

As an elected Member of Parliament in Bangladesh, Mrs. Mohiuddin made history in becoming the first woman elected to the Nilpharmi-1 District in 1989, where she served the abjectly poor through progressive legislation, food, clothing, and education. In the district she represented, a school was established in her honour and for her service, called the Mukti School.

As the first child of the Father of the Independent struggle in Bangladesh and a true revolutionary, Mrs. Mohiuddin was aptly named Mukti, meaning liberation.

Her legacy is continued by her family here in the United States and in Bangladesh.


Why we do what we do & what our work seeks to transform



Critical to all the things, self-love allows us to see ourselves with the confidence and gentleness required to create a world that is just. A just world requires us to love each other.


When the world tells us lies about us, we have to know ourselves and trust in each other, to see & look beyond the tropes & stereotypes that keep us in a falsely unchanging world.


To ourselves that a just world is possible. Commitment to each other to actualize a just world.


Essential to human existence. Connection to self facilitates self-awareness, the foundation for transformation. Connection to others is the foundation of community; required for creation of a just world.


Contentment & joy is possible when we are a living embodiment of our values.


Our lived experiences impart many lessons and we intentionally create spaces for us to find and celebrate new ways of creating a just world.


Changing ourselves is changing the world.